Google has announced Zoom video calling will be coming to Google Assistant-enabled Smart Displays, including the Nest Hub Max before the end of 2020.

The Nest Hub Max already offers group video calling and one-to-one video calling through Google Duo and Google Meet, but Zoom will also be an option in the next couple of months for both free and paid account users.

When the update arrives, you'll be able to say "Hey Google, join my next meeting" and you will be connected to your next Zoom call on your Google calendar. The same command currently works for Google Meet, allowing you to connect with up to 100 people.

Any Zoom calendar entries you have in your Google calendar will also appear on your Smart Display and give you the option to tap the "Join with Zoom" button at the bottom to get going too.

As with Google Duo, you'll will probably need to link your Zoom account to your Google account for everything to work but we expect this to be nice and simple when compatibility arrives, as it is for Duo.

Google hasn't confirmed exactly when the update bringing Zoom to the Nest Hub Max and other Google Assistant-enabled Smart Displays will arrive but we will keep you updated when we hear more.

For now, you can read our How to make Google Duo or Google Meet group video calls on a Nest Hub Max feature to find out the steps for making group video calls using your Google Assistant Smart Display with the current services available.

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