Tim Cook werd tijdens de VivaTech-conferentie geïnterviewd. Die beurs wordt omschreven als de grootste in z'n soort in Europa en staat in het teken van tech en startups.
Tim Cook praat graag over privacy
Een groot deel van het interview heeft betrekking een privacy. Dat is een pilaar waar Apple de laatste jaren veel van zijn bedrijfsvoering op rust. In het interview laat hij wederom weten waarom dit zo belangrijk is voor het bedrijf.
We've been focused on privacy for over a decade. We see it as a basic human right. A fundamental human right. And we've been focused on privacy for decades. Steve used to say privacy was stating in plain language what people are signing up for and getting their permission. And that permission should be asked repeatedly. We've always tried to live up to that. […]
If everyone is worried someone else is watching them, they begin to do less, think less. And no one wants to live in a world where freedom of expression narrows. Privacy goes to the heart of just one of the key values of Apple.
Cook werd gevraagd naar zijn mening over reguleringen, met name in Europa omdat dit een Europees evenement is. Zo kwam onder meer GDPR aan bod, een Europese wet die we hier in Nederland kennen als Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming.
There's very good regulation coming out of Europe like the GDPR. The GDPR set not only a standard, but really set the stage for the world to adopt GDPR because most of the companies are multinational companies and are implementing this around the world regardless of the regulations in those places. We were big supporters of GDPR from the beginning, and we would support going even further than the GDPR in privacy because there's still so much left to do in the privacy world.
Het gesprek ging iets dieper in op de reguleringen en maatregelen in Europa. Zo wordt er nu onder meer gekeken naar hoe Apple zijn platformen op verschillende manieren kan opengooien voor gebruikers. Eén van de opties is het kunnen sideloaden van apps. Dat betekent dat je applicaties ook van buiten de App Store moet kunnen installeren en gebruiken, zoals dat kan op Android en Windows. Echter, Tim Cook is van mening dat dit de beveiliging van de iPhone zou vernietigen.
Current Digital Services Act language that is being discussed would force sideloading on the iPhone. This would be an alternate way of getting apps onto the iPhone. As we look at that, that would destroy the security of the iPhone and a lot of the privacy initiatives that we've built into the App Store, where we have privacy nutrition labels and App Tracking Transparency that forces people to get permission to track across apps.
These things would not exist anymore, except in people that stuck with our ecosystem, and so I worry deeply about privacy and security. What we're going to do is constructively take part in the debate and hope that we can find a way forward. As I said, there are good parts of the regulation… like there are parts of the DSA that are right on. I think it's just one of those areas where we have the responsibility to say when it's not in the best interest of our user, that it's not.
Daarnaast kwam ook de toekomst aan bod. Hoe ziet hij de iPhone over een jaar of dertig?
Well, it will be better than the iPhone 12. You can count on that. It will solve more problems for people. At the root of it, what Apple is all about is making the best products that really enrich people's lives. We won't work on one that where we don't feel like we can meet that mission. And so we only do a few things.
De toekomst brengt natuurlijk veel meer dan nieuwe iPhones, helemaal omdat Apple investeert in technologieën als augmented reality en kunstmatige intelligentie.
In terms of what I'm excited about, I'm excited about so many things. I'm a great believer in the power of technology to help people. We approach the future with great humility because we know we can't predict it. I'm not one of those people that can say I can see 20 years out or 30 years out and tell you what is going to happen. I really don't believe anyone can. We approach it with great humility.
I get excited about AR because I see it as technology that can enhance life in a broad way. We've been working on AR first with our iPhones and iPads, and later we'll see where that goes in terms of our products. The key thing is that it can enrich people's lives.
I get excited about AI and the ability to remove some of the things that keep people down and do work and free up leisure time for people.
Tim Cook is ook heel optimistisch over de toekomst als het gaat om het kruispunt van technologie en gezondheid. Zo werd de Apple Watch ooit ontwikkeld als een product voor wellness. Echter, mensen ontdekten bijvoorbeeld dat ze problemen aan hun hart hebben door het product, waardoor er veel meer functies met betrekking tot gezondheid toegevoegd zijn.
I'm exceedingly optimistic about the intersection of technology and health. when we started shipping the watch we did so with thinking about it from a wellness point of view. but we put a heart rate sensor on it… and I was getting tons of emails from people who found heart problems that they didn't know about. So we started adding more function to the watch.
Het volledige interview kun je in de onderstaande video bekijken.