Samsung's plans in the smart speaker department are making for increasingly interesting reading. With the bigger Galaxy Home still very much AWOL, we're nonetheless getting through a steady drip-feed of details about its little sibling, the Galaxy Home Mini.

Fresh from previewing the Galaxy Home Mini at an event a couple of weeks ago, Samsung has made another small revelation about the diminutive speaker. It will apparently have IR blasters built-in, to allow it to control any home appliances that use infrared sensors, including those that might be offline-only.

Samsung said at a Bixby Developer Day event in South Korea that the speaker will have four transmitters and receivers, allowing it to cover all the required ranges of signal. You'll be able to register the devices to the Galaxy Home Mini much as you would with a universal remote, and no wireless connection between the speaker and device will be needed.

That's a pretty interesting addition, and one that marks the Galaxy Home Mini out from the main smart speaker competitors on the market. When you're looking at this mini format of smart speaker the two obvious comparisons are to Amazon's Echo Dot (and the newer Echo Dot with Clock) and Google's Home Mini.

Those two speakers are also small in form factor, though a little tinier than the Galaxy Home Mini, but neither can boast IR blasters. Their smart home control is limited to what devices and services you can integrate with their respective smart assistants.

One detail that remains elusive though, for the Galaxy Home Mini and the mysterious Galaxy Home, is release date. Samsung is still tight-lipped on both counts, although it's looking a lot like the Galaxy Home Mini is the far more imminent release.

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